Room with two doors
The interrogation room was small, with two doors—one in front of her and one to her left. On the wall to her right, there was a large window that went totally dark from time to time. In between, it showed some silhouettes going about—a see-through mirror from the other side, no doubt. The chair and the table were bolted to the floor.
Caldera sat bending over the table to scratch her nose. Reliefed, she sat back up and pondered her situation while waiting for the translator to arrive. Having her wrists cuffed to the table didn't bother her too much. This region didn't have a history of torture or misuse. While getting arrested had not been part of the plan, she was pretty confident that she would be back on the street within the hour. At least her cover was still intact: that was of the utmost importance!
The door in front of her opened, and a man came in. Something told her that he wasn't the interpreter she was waiting for. For a moment, he just stood there, looking down at her, smiling. Then she followed him as he walked around her to the back of the chair.
Without warning, he reached out from behind, pulling back her skirt.
The Hazing of Ghiselle
The hazing period had been tough. Physically, but also emotionally. They made her run up and down a hill ten times, with an increasingly heavy backpack. She had been doing dishes for six hours while the ladies were having a party. In the gym, there had been a program of twenty push-ups, fifty sit-ups, and ten bench presses with twenty pounds for four rounds.
Also, she was made to ride a hobby horse in the middle of the room during a tea party. She had stood on a table, presenting herself for two hours, repeating: "My name is Ghiselle, my measures are 34-25-35, My name is Ghiselle..."
The interviews had almost broken her. Sitting blindfolded on a stool, she had to answer a multitude of the most impertinent questions from a panel sitting three meters in front of her. Having to speak about her most intimate sexual fantasy made the blood rush to her cheeks, but when she was forced to talk about the death of her father, it brought tears to her eyes. But she persevered and made it to the final day.
She finally got to wear the uniform on the fifth and final day. Nothing else, though. Just the sweater, the skirt, and the shoes, with a scarf in the sorority colors to top it off. No bra, no panties.
Knights City, the Cardinal's Hall, Bondage Con.
Behind the scenes, the Sullivan sisters are preparing for their podium act. Kayleigh is working on her make-up while Maeve sits down idly in her bondage dress. It's called a dress, but actually, it is nothing more than a combination of a hobble skirt and a single glove, being held together in a way that exposes all her private parts.
"Why do they only want to hire me as a submissive? It sucks!"
"Because they know you hate it, and it shines through... That's exciting for the public..."
The Mystery kidnappings
Ok, here's what we know. Over the last five months, three women were abducted from parking lots. They were forced into a van at gunpoint and then chloroformed. As they came by, they found themselves naked and tied up, sitting on some sort of couch with their eyes and mouths taped, and their ears plugged. Two of them said that as they started to try to free themselves, they felt what appeared to be a gun at their temple, and so they remained quiet.
But this is the strange part: nothing happened for the next few minutes. They were not being raped or groped. They just had to sit there. All three have considered that they may have been photographed or taped, but nobody has sent any blackmail notes so far. After sitting there for a few minutes, they were drugged again, and when they woke up, they were back at the parking lot, free and fully dressed, as if nothing had occurred.
All they could tell you about their assailants was that they were two young men wearing dark clothing and ski masks and that a woman drove the van. Am I right so far? Ok, and now you were telling me the case is solved! So what have you got for me?